Le seguenti 81 parole non sono state trovate nel dizionario di 1275 termini (includendo 1275 LocalSpellingWords) e sono evidenziate qui sotto:
Address   addressing   attachment   be   Calabria   calcolate   calculare   can   cap   Cap2   cap2ninuxaddress   Carrara   Catanzaro   city   citylist   collision   Compatible   Cosenza   current   example   Foggia   For   from   github   given   graph   https   if   input   inside   ipv4   italian   Ladispoli   Lecce   legacy   like   Manziana   misc   Mistretta   Montecatini   Monza   ninuxorg   numeration   Ostia   part   Pescara   Pisa   placed   png   Pomezia   possible   Reduce   Reggello   Reggio   render   repo   Resolver   resolver   result   Roma   should   something   standard   Stregna   subset   taking   terme   to   tool   tools   Trieste   used   utils   Verona   vince   Viterbo   Vittoria   way   will   with   Zagarolo  

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Cap2NinuxAddress Resolver

The cap2ninuxaddress resolver is an standard way to calculare the ZIPCODE part of the ipv4 addressing used inside ninux from a legacy italian CAP code.

The graph utils is placed inside github misc_tool repo and can be used to render a graph of the possible cap collision taking a subset of city as input.

For example if the cap resolver is

NINUXCAP = CAP %255 and the given city are:

citylist = ["Pisa", "Roma", "Ostia", "Zagarolo", "Ladispoli", "Catanzaro", "Trieste", "Pomezia",
        "Viterbo", "Manziana", "Montecatini terme", "Carrara", "Cosenza", "Reggio Calabria", "Mistretta",
        "Vittoria", "Lecce", "Foggia", "Pescara", "Reggello", "Verona", "Monza", "Stregna" #questo vince su tutti
        , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]

The result will be something like: cap_ninux.png

The "ALGO" to calcolate the cap should be:

  • Compatible as possible with current numeration
  • Reduce the conflict as possible