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   1 #!/usr/bin/perl
   3 # a hack to display OLSR topology information
   4 #
   5 # copyleft 2004 Bruno Randolf <>
   6 # licensed under the GPL
   8 use IO::Socket;
   9 use Getopt::Long;
  11 $TOPPATH = "/tmp";
  12 $NAME = "topology";
  13 $FILENAME = "$TOPPATH/$";
  14 $EXT = "png";
  15 $SERVER = "localhost";
  16 $PORT = "2004";
  17 $FULLSCREEN = 0;
  18 $HELP = 0;
  19 $KEEP = 0;
  20 $BGCOLOR = "black";
  21 $STYLE = 1;
  22 $SIZE = "8,8";
  23 $ROOTWIN = 0;
  24 $ONCE = 0;
  25 $GRAPH = 1;
  26 $SHOW = 1;
  27 $FONTNAME = "Courier";
  28 $FONTSIZE = 12;
  29 $LINEWIDTH = 0;
  30 $LINECOLOR = 0;
  31 $RESOLV = 0;
  33 GetOptions ("server=s" => \$SERVER,
  34 	    "port=s" => \$PORT,
  35 	    "fullscreen!" => \$FULLSCREEN,
  36 	    "help!" => \$HELP,
  37 	    "keep!" => \$KEEP,
  38 	    "bgcolor=s" => \$BGCOLOR,
  39 	    "fontname=s" => \$FONTNAME,
  40 	    "fontsize=s" => \$FONTSIZE,
  41 	    "style=i" => \$STYLE,
  42 	    "size=s" => \$SIZE,
  43 	    "rootwin!" => \$ROOTWIN,
  44 	    "once!" => \$ONCE,
  45 	    "graph!" => \$GRAPH,
  46 	    "show!" => \$SHOW,
  47 	    "linewidth!" => \$LINEWIDTH,
  48 	    "linecolor!" => \$LINECOLOR,
  49 	    "resolv" => \$RESOLV,
  50 	     );
  52 if ($HELP) {
  53 	print << "EOF";
  54 usage: $0 [ --server SERVER ] [--port PORT] [--fullscreen] [--keep]
  56 a hack to display OLSR topology information
  58 options:
  59         --server SERVER    connect to OLSR node (default: localhost)
  60         --port PORT        connect to port (default: 2004)
  61         --bgcolor          background color (default: black)
  62         --fontname         font name (default: Courier)
  63         --fontsize         font size (default: 12)
  64         --style            drawing style 1, 2 or 3 (default:1)
  65         --size X,Y         image size in inches for graphviz (default: 8,8)
  66         --[no]fullscreen   display fullscreen (default: off)
  67         --[no]rootwin      display in root window (default: off)
  68         --[no]graph        genereate graphics (default: on)
  69         --[no]show         display the graphics (default: on)
  70         --[no]once         run only 1 time, then exit (default: run forever)
  71         --[no]linewith     change line width according to metric (default: off)
  72         --[no]linecolor    change line color according to metric (default: off)
  73         --[no]resolv       resolv hostnames (default: off)
  74         --[no]keep         keep the .dot files with timestamp in /tmp (default: off)
  76 requires the "graphviz" and "imagemagick" packages installed
  77 and the "olsrd_dot_draw" plugin configured on the olsr node
  79 EOF
  80 	exit;
  81 }
  84 `touch $TOPPATH/$NAME.$EXT`;
  86 $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
  87                         Proto    => "tcp",
  88                         PeerAddr => $SERVER,
  89                         PeerPort => $PORT,
  90                     )
  91                   or die "cannot connect to port $PORT at $SERVER!\nis the olsrd_dot_draw plugin loaded and configured to allow connections from this host?\n";
  93 $f;
  94 $start = 1;
  96 $FULLOPT = "-backdrop -background black" if $FULLSCREEN;
  98 if ($STYLE == 1) {
  99 	$DOT_CMD = "neato -Tpng -Gsize=${SIZE} -Gbgcolor=${BGCOLOR} -Gsplines=true -Nstyle=filled -Nfontname=${FONTNAME} -Nfontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Efontname=${FONTNAME} -Efontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Ncolor=white -Nfillcolor=white -Ecolor=grey -Elen=4 -Earrowsize=2 -Efontcolor=white $FILENAME -o $TOPPATH/$";
 100 }
 101 elsif ($STYLE == 2) {
 102 	$BGCOLOR = "grey";
 103 	$DOT_CMD = "dot -Tpng -Gsize=${SIZE} -Elen=2 -Ncolor=grey -Nstyle=filled -Nfillcolor=white -Nfontname=${FONTNAME} -Nfontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Efontname=${FONTNAME} -Efontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Nfontcolor=red -Nwidth=1 -Gbgcolor=$BGCOLOR $FILENAME -o $TOPPATH/$";
 104 }
 105 elsif ($STYLE == 3) {
 106 	$BGCOLOR = "\#ff6600";
 107 	$DOT_CMD = "neato -Tpng -Gsize=10,9 -Gbgcolor=${BGCOLOR} -Gsplines=true -Nstyle=filled -Nfontname=${FONTNAME} -Nfontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Efontname=${FONTNAME} -Efontsize=${FONTSIZE} -Nheight=1.3 -Nwidth=1.3 -Gsplines=true -Ncolor=darkslategrey -Nfillcolor=darkslategrey -Ecolor=black -Elen=4 -Earrowsize=3 $FILENAME -o $TOPPATH/$";
 108 }
 111 while ( <$remote> ) 
 112 {
 113 	$line = $_;
 114 	if ($RESOLV) {
 115 		$line = resolv( $line );
 116 	}
 117 	if ($LINEWIDTH || $LINECOLOR) {
 118 		$line = draw_thicker_metric_lines( $line );
 119 	}
 120 	$f = $f . $line;
 122 	# end of one graph
 123 	if ( $line =~ /}/i ) { 
 124 		#print "* ";
 125 		open DOTFILE, ">$FILENAME";
 126 		print DOTFILE $f;
 127 		close DOTFILE;
 128 		$f = "";
 130 		if ($GRAPH) {
 131 			`$DOT_CMD`;
 132 			`mv $TOPPATH/$ $TOPPATH/$NAME.$EXT`;
 133 		}
 134 		if ($KEEP) {
 135 			`cp $TOPPATH/$ $TOPPATH/$NAME-\$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S').dot`;
 136 		}
 137 		if ($SHOW) {
 138 			if ($ROOTWIN) {
 139 				system "display -window root -backdrop $TOPPATH/$NAME.$EXT &";
 140 			}
 141 			elsif ($start) {
 142 				system "display $FULLOPT -update 5 $TOPPATH/$NAME.$EXT &";
 143 				$start = 0;
 144 			}
 145 		}
 146 		exit if $ONCE;
 147 	}
 148 }
 150 print "connection closed\n";
 153 sub resolv {
 154 	my $l = shift;
 155 	if ( $l =~ /\"(.*)\" -> "([^[]*)"(.*)/) {
 156 		my $from = $1;
 157 		my $to = $2;
 158 		my $rest = $3;
 159 		$from =~ s/\"//g;
 160 		$to =~ s/\"//g;
 161 		my $iaddrf = inet_aton($from);
 162 		my $fromn  = gethostbyaddr($iaddrf, AF_INET);
 163 		my $iaddrt = inet_aton($to);
 164 		my $ton  = gethostbyaddr($iaddrt, AF_INET);
 165 		$fromn = $from if ! $fromn;
 166 		$ton = $to if ! $ton;
 167 		$l = "\"$fromn\" -> \"$ton\"$rest\n";
 168 	}
 169 	return $l;
 170 }
 173 sub draw_thicker_metric_lines { 
 174 	# sla 04.04.2005
 175 	# a hack to draws thicker lines for better metrics (the better the thicker).
 176 	# colorize the metric lines.
 177 	#
 178 	my $l = shift;
 179 	if ($l =~ /.*label="[0-9].*/){     # recognizion pattern
 180 		@n=split (/"/,$l);         # split the string to get the metric value
 181 		if ($LINECOLOR) {
 182 			if ( $n[5]>2 ) {        # colorize metrics greater than 2 gray            
 183 				$c="888888";
 184 			}
 185 			else {                     # colorize metrics less than 2 black
 186 				$c="000000";            
 187 			}
 188 			$setcol = "color=\"#$c\",";
 189 		}
 190 		if ($LINEWIDTH) {
 191 			if ($n[5]>0 && $n[5]<10) {  # thicker lines if 10 > metric > 0
 192 				$lt=6/$n[5];
 193 				$at=$lt/2;
 194 			}
 195 			else {                     # at least draw a thin line
 196 				$lt=1;
 197 				$at=$lt;
 198 			}
 199 			$setwidth = "style=\"setlinewidth($lt)\", arrowsize=$at";
 200 		}
 201 		$l =~ s/\]/, $setcol $setwidth]/g; # replace pattern
 202 	}
 203 	return $l;
 204 }
 206 __END__

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