
book: Create a structured PDF document with headings, chapters, etc.
webpage: Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages.) A page break is inserted between each file or URL in the output.
continuous: Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages.) No page breaks are inserted between each file or URL in the output.
Title of the document for the front page.
Extract the first heading of the document and use it as title. If checked the title field has no effect.
The title image or HTML page. These file has to be an attachments!
Specify document version to be displayed on the title page.
Intellectual property owner of this document.
Copyright notice for this document.
Information about who and when modified the document are applied at the end.


Specifies the output format.
Grayscale document  Title page
Compression :   JPEG big images 


User defined page size 
Choose one of the predefined standard sizes or select user defined.
Specifies the page size using a standard name or in points (no suffix or ##x##pt), inches (##x##in), centimeters (##x##cm), or millimeters (##x##mm).
Set the target browser width in pixels (400-1200). This determines the page scaling of images.
   2-Sided   Landscape
Specifies the margin size using points (no suffix or ##x##pt), inches (##x##in), centimeters (##x##cm), or millimeters (##x##mm). Keep empty for default value.
Sets the page header to use on body pages.
Sets the page footer to use on body pages.


Sets the number of levels in the table-of-contents. Empty for unlimited levels.
   Numbered headings Check to number all of the headings in the document.
Sets the title for the table-of-contents. Empty for default title.
Sets the page header to use on table-of-contents pages.
Sets the page footer to use on table-of-contents pages.


Enter the HTML color for the body (background).
Enter the image file for the body (background). These file has to be an attachments!
Enter the HTML color for the text.
Sets the color of links.
Enables generation of links in PDF files.


Set the default size of text.
Set the spacing between lines of text.
Choose the default typeface (font) of text.
Choose the default typeface (font) of headings.
Set the size of header and footer text.
Choose the font for header and footer text.
Change the encoding of the text in document.
Check to embed font in the output file.


Controls the initial viewing mode for the document.
Document: Displays only the docuemnt pages.
Outline: Display the table-of-contents outline as well as the document pages.
Full-screen: Displays pages on the whole screen; this mode is used primarily for presentations.
Controls the initial layout of document pages on the screen.
Single: Displays a single page at a time.
One column: Displays a single column of pages at a time.
Two column left/right: Display two columns of pages at a time; the first page is displayed in the left or right column as selected.
Choose the initial page that will be shown.


Check to number all of the headings in the document.
 Versione stampabile   Modify
 Copy   Annotate
Specifies the document permissions.
Specifies the user password to restrict viewing permissions on this PDF document. Empty for no encryption.
Specifies the owner password to control who can change document permissions etc. If this field is left blank, a random 32-character password is generated so that no one can change the document.


Specify language to use for date and time format.
Shrink code blocks on page.
Show line numbers for code blocks.
Make spaces visable by dots (·) instead of white spaces.
Make line breaks visable by a extra character (¶) at the end.
Enable this feature if you searching for problems or intent to report a bug report


Version 2.4.2 (MoinMoin 1.9.7)

MoinMoin - Generate PDF document using HTMLDOC

This action script generate PDF documents from a Wiki site using
the HTMLDOC ( software packages which has
to be preinstalled first.

Copy this script in your's MoinMoin action script plugin directory.

Thanks goes to Pascal Bauermeister who initiated the implementaion.
Lot of things changes since then but the idear using HTMLDOC is the
main concept of this implementation.

Please visit the homepage for further informations:

@copyright: (C) 2006 Pascal Bauermeister
@copyright: (C) 2006-2010 Raphael Bossek <>
@license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details


Italiano English
Locked History Actions


Modifying the MoinMoin Default Style Sheets

If you wish to modify the default MoinMoin style sheet, it is a good practice to create a new theme first. Copy one of the existing themes to a new name (and also do not forget to copy the file, too). Use the @import function to import the original CSS file. Override only those attributes you wish to change. Then, if you later upgrade to a newer version of MoinMoin, any changes to the original CSS file will be incorporated automatically.


@import url("/wiki/classic/css/screen.css");

body {
    background-color: #FAEBD7;  
    font-family: Arial,Helvetica;  

Allowing Users to Choose a Style Sheet

To allow you users to choose between alternate style sheets, you first need to create several choices. Using the example above, change the background-color to #E7FFE7 and save the file as green.css in htdocs/mytheme/css/.

Test this option by modifying your user preferences to select a CSS URL of /wiki/mytheme/css/green.css.

Finally, you will probably need to edit HelpOnUserPreferences and change the wording for CSS URL to instruct your users on the choices available, including the new option for a green background.

Note: When a user initializes or updates their UserPreferences, the default value for CSS URL will be empty. Any user can return to the default value by erasing the CSS URL field value and clicking the GetText( Save ) button.

How can I use my old .css style option with the new "theme based" moinmoin?

  1. Select the theme you like the most, or is more like your old one.
  2. Clone the selected theme into the wiki plugin directory. For example, if the classic theme is your departure point to create mytheme, then:

    1. Copy your htdocs/classic dir (containing the css and img subdirs) to htdocs/mytheme

    2. Copy python/site-packages/MoinMoin/theme/ to data/plugin/theme/

    3. Add the following line to your

      theme_default = 'mytheme'
  3. Modify the mytheme CSS files (common.css, screen.css and print.css) to change the style and the to change order or appearance of elements in the produced html. At least, make sure that you change the value of the variable name to 'mytheme' (at the top of class Theme), otherwise your changes to the mytheme CSS files may have no effect.

In this way, you will already have your personal theme available to simplify new upgrades.