Versione 1 del 2018-03-05 11:22:41

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In this page we give more details about the GSoC ideas 2018 from ninux.

The Turnantenna

The orginal description is here.

The idea of the Turnantenna came from Salvatore, a member of the ninux community of florence. He built the first prototyp, which you can check in this presentation: presentation.

The basic idea is to have one step-by-step engine in the plastic box, this engine is controlled by an Orange Pi and some additional circuits. The OPi gets the power from ethernet (in this case, directly from the Ubiquiti M2 in the picture) , and so needs to be controlled remotely via some remote calls. The OPi instructs the engine to move N steps clockwise or anti-clockwise and re-points the antenna. Currently the code-base (from Salvatore, and re-worked by Edoardo) is split in two:

  1. the driver that in python controls the engine

  2. a web interface used to control the driver (in PHP)