= Documentation = Ninux OpenWRT feed: {{{ src-svn zzzninux https://svn.ninux.org/svn/ninuxdeveloping/packages }}} == PGP Signing Party == Maybe you can find usefull this tool to upload the all the signatures you have done to public keys to a few keyservers: https://svn.ninux.org/ninuxdeveloping/browser/misc_tools/upload-pgp-keys.py == Squid URL Rewrite == We are trying to use this {{{/usr/bin/redirect.py}}} as {{{url_rewrite_program}}} in SQUID 2.6 {{{ #!/usr/bin/python import sys while True: line = raw_input() list = line.split(' ') url = list[0] if "google" in url and "q=" in url: sys.stdout.write("301:") sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write(url+"\n") sys.stdout.flush() }}} but is not working :( any python guru ?? Contact Raffaele PS we also found this one and makes exactly what we did, but ours does not work :( http://gofedora.com/how-to-write-custom-redirector-rewritor-plugin-squid-python/ This one works, but why ?? {{{ #!/usr/bin/env python import sys def modify_url(line): list = line.split(' ') # first element of the list is the URL old_url = list[0] new_url = '\n' # take the decision and modify the url if needed # do remember that the new_url should contain a '\n' at the end. if "google" in old_url and "q=" in old_url: new_url = '301:' + new_url return new_url while True: # the format of the line read from stdin is # URL ip-address/fqdn ident method # for example # http://saini.co.in - GET - line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() # new_url is a simple URL only # for example # http://fedora.co.in new_url = modify_url(line) sys.stdout.write(new_url) sys.stdout.flush() }}} == Our not optimized firewall == {{{ root@SRVSERVICES1:/home/svr# iptables-save # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.4 on Fri Nov 27 17:27:00 2009 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [79560:6647071] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [1387:110814] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [25225:1545157] -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128 -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE COMMIT # Completed on Fri Nov 27 17:27:00 2009 # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.4 on Fri Nov 27 17:27:00 2009 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [1929370:1462353513] :FORWARD ACCEPT [1311849:496765522] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1723281:1613645787] -A INPUT -i eth0 -m hashlimit --hashlimit-above 151/sec --hashlimit-name download150perm -j DROP -A FORWARD -o eth1 -m hashlimit --hashlimit-above 151/sec --hashlimit-name download150 -j DROP -A FORWARD -s -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -m limit --limit 10/sec --limit-burst 20 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -s -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -j LOG -A FORWARD -s -d -o eth0 -j DROP -A FORWARD -s -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -j DROP -A FORWARD -o eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 30 --hitcount 20 --name DEFAULT --rsource -j DROP COMMIT # Completed on Fri Nov 27 17:27:00 2009 root@SRVSERVICES1:/home/svr# }}} == Arduino stuff == http://www.zoobab.com/use-the-arduino-as-a-serial-adaptor == Bluetooth Totem == visit BlueToothTotem