## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. ##master-page:none ##master-date:none #acl MoinPagesEditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read,write #format wiki #language en = LDAP based user authentication = == How it works == The LDAP auth module of MoinMoin enables single-sign-on (SSO) - assuming you already have a LDAP directory with your users, passwords, email adresses. On Linux this could be some OpenLDAP server, on a Windows server (usually the domain controller) this is called "Active Directory" (short: AD). It works like this: * User enters his name and password via moin's login action and clicks on the login button. * On login, ldap_login auth module checks username/password against LDAP. * If username/password is ok for LDAP, it creates or updates a user profile with values from ldap (name, alias, email) and creates a user object in the !MoinMoin process, then it hands over to the next auth module... * If username/password is not ok for LDAP, it vetoes the login and aborts the chain of login modules. * Usually, you want to use moin_session as the final auth module to establish the session with the user. It uses a cookie to keep the session and create the user object on all subsequent non-login requests. == Installing == You need to install python-ldap module (and everything it depends on, see its documentation). You need an LDAP or AD server. :) == Configuring LDAP authentication == Put this into your wiki config (indented in the same way as the other settings there): {{{ from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import ldap_login from MoinMoin.auth import moin_session auth = [ldap_login, moin_session] import ldap ldap_uri = 'ldap://ad.example.org' # ldap / active directory server URI # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP. # Be careful if you need a % char in those strings - as they are used as # a format string, you have to write %% to get a single % in the end. #ldap_binddn = 'binduser@example.org' #ldap_bindpw = 'secret' # Also, if your OpenLDAP is for samba 3 or another model of domain controller # auth backend, you need add as binddn and bindpw your rootdn chain (Manager # or any other) and respective password. #ldap_binddn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=org' #ldap_bindpw = 'secret' # or we can use the username and password we got from the user: ldap_binddn = '%(username)s@example.org' # DN we use for first bind (AD) #ldap_binddn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' # DN we use for first bind (OpenLDAP) ldap_bindpw = '%(password)s' # password we use for first bind ldap_base = 'ou=SOMEUNIT,dc=example,dc=org' # base DN we use for searching ldap_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE # scope of the search we do ldap_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)' # ldap filter used for searching # for openLDAP in domain controller, the ldap_filter need a change: #ldap_filter = '(uid=%(username)s)' # ldap filter used for ldap in samba domain controller # you can also do more complex filtering like: # "(&(cn=%(username)s)(memberOf=CN=WikiUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org))" ldap_givenname_attribute = 'givenName' # ldap attribute we get the first name from ldap_surname_attribute = 'sn' # ldap attribute we get the family name from ldap_aliasname_attribute = 'displayName' # ldap attribute we get the aliasname from ldap_email_attribute = 'mail' # ldap attribute we get the email address from ldap_email_callback = None # the function that is called with a dict as the first argument that provides LDAP data. the function has to return the e-mail address that was generated from the dict input ldap_coding = 'utf-8' # coding used for ldap queries and result values ldap_timeout = 10 # how long we wait for the ldap server [s] ldap_verbose = True # if True, put lots of LDAP debug info into the log cookie_lifetime = 1 # 1 hour after last access ldap login is required again user_autocreate = True # we don't allow the user to change those values on UserPreferences page user_form_disable = ['name', 'aliasname', 'email', ] # we remove those fields as they are not used for ldap based logins user_form_remove = ['password', 'password2', ] }}} == Problems? == !MoinMoin support does not know your LDAP server setup, so please follow these steps before asking for help: * Use ldap_verbose and look into your log file<>. * Verify your settings and your user/password by e.g. using ldapsearch to query your LDAP server. * /!\ As long as you don't manage talking to your LDAP server with such a tool, you don't need to try with !MoinMoin. * Ask the administrator of your LDAP/AD server for help / for correct settings. * Maybe look into `MoinMoin/auth/ldap_login.py`, if you can debug or fix your problem there. /!\ Only ask !MoinMoin support if you successfully used ldapsearch (or some similar tool) and you double checked your wiki config and it does still not work with moin.